Skies: Partly cloudy
Wind: 35 knts
Air Temp: 58 F Water Temp: 57 F
Surf Conditions: 5-10 ft, poor form
Swells: NW, 14 sec intervals
La Jolla Diving Conditions: Hazardous, 10ft vis, strong surge
(619) 221-8824 for daily recording
General Snorkeling:
Rock, Rips, and Reefs (3R’s, San Diego) - Excellent in water learning about various snorkel/dive spots around SD, highly recommended!
No Pasa Nada Freediving (San Diego and Orange County) -Roberto is a fantastic freediving coach and dive adventure guide ~Tell him Scott sent you)
Just Get Wet Freediving/Spearfishing (San Diego) - Local freediving instruction/shop
House Of Scuba (San Diego)
Ocean Enterprises (San Diego)